April 22, 2009


Oh man, I can say that I am definitely not the best cook. But every once in a while I just cook up something delicious. Being married has suppressed my cooking exploration a tad, since KC is probably the pickiest eater ever (okay, maybe Crystal is - it's a tie). I have a hard time finding something new to make that doesn't taste like it was cooked at a greasy fast food joint or is totally bland since no veggies are allowed. But tonight I think I got away with a pretty good meal. Not healthy, but good. I used my mom's pizza dough recipe and cooked a BBQ Chicken Pizza. Yum!

And this brings me to a cooking blog. My good friend Krysta started the blog The Spattered Page. A group of us are posting recipes from our past email swap and current recipes that we are trying out. If you want any suggestions for meals, there are some good recipes there. Check it out!


  1. Can I just give you an idea? When Patrick and I did Weight Watchers together, we had a BBQ chicken pizza that we liked to make. The great thing about pizza is that you can make a bit for KC that is just the regular stuff, but add some stuff to your pieces. We found that putting fresh spinach leaves on the sauce was yum, yum, yummy. They come out soft with a tiny bit of crunch, and they are so great. (and full of vitamins.) Anyway, next time you could try that...for your side.

    (And then you and I are going to need to set up Match.com accounts soon because both our husbands are probably going to have early heart attacks, and we're going to need to find new men) (tee hee)

  2. thanks for the tip! I can use all the help I can get. I am a total failure in the kitchen! :)


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